Saturday 18 October 2008

my life right now?

yes, my life right now consists of X Factor and wooden flooring. Ok, so to you random strangers it may seem like a weird thing but to me right now in my life the X factor is a big deal. And wooden flooring, well today I had my new walnut flooring laid in my living room, this is a big deal... It's my first living room...this may not seem like much, 'woo hoo shes got her own living room' well yes, after two years of writing about homes I've got my own living room!! And it's got an amazing walnut floor on it!! ha ha, the floor is beautiful. I'm very proud of my choice.
As for the X Factor, well, it's brought my love of Girls Aloud out (again...). Right now its between Girl Band and Ruth. I can definetely say Ruth is my fav, her version of Purple Rain was great, nowhere near the man himself, but still great.
Ok, Ruth is in, yay.
It's time to end this semi-drunk post, I'm sure your thoughts are eleswhere and you have found a million spelling mistakes...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Emmma
Drunk blogs are hilarious! It's funny because I usually only get to update my blog when I'm sitting down at the end of the night with a glass of wine in hand. I'm loving x-factor too right now.