Thursday 9 October 2008

Major injury No. 2

I have a daughter called Safran. She will be two this Christmas and I'm afraid to say she has inherited all my worst qualities... at age one she was showing a distinct likeness to shoes and anything red! Her latest personality trait is her clumsiness, definitely something she has got from me. Last night whilst watching In The Night Garden she tried to scale a bale of bedsheets my mum had just bought for me. One wrong foot and she was sprawled on the floor after banging her head off the windowsil. Oops. So today as I left her off to nursery she is sporting a large swollen black eye. Perfect.
Other bits....
-My bank account got a battering last night- it was deconstructed bit by bit with the final outcome being that 'you are sh*t with money.' (A comment made by him- also sh*t with money...)
-Tomorrow I am going away for the weekend, to where I don't know, but I've been told to bring my passport.
-To continue with the work related dreams, last night in my sleeping state my workmate Long brought me to her house in a golf buggy. She actually lives (in my dream) in a gated community with it's own prison and airport. Her house being a old airport gate with veranda overlooking the runway! Strange.

I think thats all I can muster today.
Goodbye, do call again x

1 comment:

Claire said...

Hey welcome to the world of blogging! Mine is

Now we can have a follower each lol, nobody reads mine!

C x