Monday, 29 June 2009

Through the sunroof

Yet again, I've been casually ignoring this blog. It's now not the fact I don't have the time, but simply a spot of laziness...
I've now reached pregnancy no. 2, week 38 and I'm feeling every short minute of those weeks. Unlike preg 1, I am not going to be able to have my 3/4 hour water birth like last time as two weeks ago I found out this young pup is lying breech. If I cast my mind back those two short weeks ago, I still remember the feeling in my head when the doc said it- I literally felt like I had ran into a brick wall, it was not good.So bad in fact I walked out to my car and kicked they tyre. Why I don't really know, but it made me feel better.
Anyway, I'm back to see that same consultant this morning to see if this pup (quite obviously a boy given all the hassle...) has moved or if my name will have to remain in that big black book labeled 'Planned C-Sec.'
My younger brother thinks all my fussing is quite funny and refers to a section as a 'through the sunroof birth' which I have to agree sounds strange and I suppose funny to a 20 year old lad!!