Thursday, 9 April 2009

Grow up

Five months or so have passed since I let my tangled brain unravel on this page.
I could blame the house move and lack of internet, but I really should just admit it was laziness.
But as today is my birthday I've took the sudden notion to open the chambers again.... (do brains have chambers???)
Twenty-five today and never been kissed- yea right. Twenty-five, six months pregnant with second child and living in sin is more like it.
Apparently I've reached my limit with himself, 'time for a younger tradein' to be exact. Which might explain the peculiar happy 90th birthday card I received from him this morning. Realistically I should be dropping him soon, he's 30 in June.
This post has really no meaning, other than hopefully it will get me back on the blogging track.
Au Revoir.
(Details of presents will be listed in due course)