Monday, 15 December 2008

Christmas cheer? My arse

Blogging has been given a back seat off late. I haven't lost interest, but I have lost my broadband and (although I'm doing it now) blogging in work is a no go, simply because I don't have the time.
Apparently Christmas is just around the corner and that the cheer and romance associated with that time off year is flying around. Well in the world of red dotting and loughgall loveliness there is no buckin' cheer anywhere!
I have now hit double figures in my second pregnancy, I shouldn't really be telling people but the roundness off my tum sort of gives it away and today for the first time I was sick, something I haven't felt at all this time. And yesterday I could have quite literally have walked, sorry run off a very high cliff. I don't know what the hell my strawberry sized baby is doing to my erratic hormones, but its not a very pleasing feeling.
I feel like sh1t, look like sh1t and am in the sh1t at work, as I have as much work to do as toys santa delivers on Christmas eve.